The University of Prince Edward Island offers many support services and equipment to those in need. When you are applying to UPEI and you have a documented temporary or permanent disability, you will be able to access UPEI’s Accessibility Services. To access these services you will need to request an appointment with one of the case managers at the school. You can book an appointment by calling 902-566-0488 or by emailing studentserv@upei.ca. You will need to provide medical documentation of your need for specific accommodations at the appointment to clarify that you qualify for the program’s services. Here is an example of the medical form that you will need: https://files.upei.ca/studentlife/medical_assessment_form_students_with_disabilities.pdf.
Aside from what your doctor is suggesting for support services the case manager will assess what services you were provided in high school if you happen to be coming directly from high school. A transition meeting will be scheduled with resource teachers from high school, your UPEI case manager, yourself, and your guardian. This meeting will be extremely helpful when deciding what support services will aid you best in receiving the most out of your education. Services that could be offered to you as a student with a disability include:
- Campus accessibility
- Confidential consultations
- Test, exam, and classroom accommodation
- Assistance with grants
- Assistance with adaptive technology
- Note taking, tutoring, and mentoring
- Use of a scribe or oral testing
- Learning-strategy support
- Assistance with self-advocacy
- Transition planning with high schools and families
- Textbook to audio/pdf
- Special residence accommodations
The services you require will be determined by any suggestions made by your doctor as well as accommodations suggested by your case manager.
Follow the link below to see the guidelines UPEI has for medical documentationshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1BdKCOC768Tfth_tNB5oGY-KybwQA-HMyTlvl80b77Ps/edit?ts=5ef397b7.
Provided below is a checklist that students can utilize to help them navigate the steps for applying and receiving proper support. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qQeH62qhY8SvloAKPTstjJtNAbnm_95Kfy0_ALolpMY/edit.
For more information regarding UPEI’s Accessibility Services please refer to their website https://www.upei.ca/accessibility.
Apart from the UPEI Accessibility Services, UPEI offers other programs such as The Gateway Program, the Best Buddies Program, and the Campus Life Program.
- The Gateway Program is available to all UPEI students and is completely free. The program consists of sessions with student mentors provided by professional staff to help develop skills such as time management, organization, note taking, studying skills and more. You will also be able to meet with the program coordinator on a regular basis to help provide you with what you need. For more information on The Gateway Program visit upei.ca/studentlife/gateway-program or contact Keith Lawlor, Program Coordinator, at kjlawlor@upei.ca or at 902-566-6001.
- The Best Buddies Program was founded in the United States and is now available in every province in Canada. The program offers individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability the chance to communicate with each other and with other individuals, who do not have a disability. If you are interested in being a part of the Best Buddies Program you can talk with your case manager or support worker to help you sign up.
- The Campus Life Program is available to all students to help gain memories, create friends, and be more involved in the university life. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 6-10 pm at Dalton Hall Student Affairs, 5th floor you will be able to join UPEI’s Campus Life Advisors to play games, watch TV, study, or just relax.
As a student dealing with a disability it may be difficult to handle a full program of study, UPEI offers students the ability to be an Unclassified Student. An Unclassified Student has permission to apply for undergraduate courses at UPEI without applying or being admitted into a program of study. To register to become an Unclassified Student you will need to fill out an Unclassified Student Registration Form and pay a tuition deposit.
Steps to apply as an unclassified undergraduate student:
- Students will create an account at upei.ca/apply.
- Once an account is created, start a new Undergraduate Application.
- Once in the application, students must choose “Undergraduate” as “Admit Type”.
- When prompted to select a program, select “Unclassified Undergraduate Level Courses”.
- Complete all required fields on application.
- In order to submit you will need to pay the $50 CAD non-refundable application fee.
- Once submitted the Registrar’s Office will review your application and be in contact if additional information is required.
- If admitted to register as an unclassified student you will be sent communications with your student ID and login information and instructions on how to pay the $250 non-refundable tuition deposit required to register for classes.
To qualify to be an Unclassified Student there are many requirements and regulations such as;
- The student is permitted to register but is not admitted to a specific program of study at the university. Previously admitted students may register as Unclassified Students, but registration does not constitute readmission to the University.
- Students who have been required to withdraw from this or any other post-secondary institution within the last 12 months are not permitted to register as an Unclassified Student.
- Transcripts of previous post-secondary work, and proof of English Language Proficiency, must be presented to the Registrar’s Office if requested.
- Prerequisites must be met where applicable. Checking for prerequisites is the students’ responsibility.
- The student is subject to an initial maximum registration limit of 10 three-credit courses as an Unclassified Student. To register in additional courses as Unclassified, a student must seek permission from the Registrar’s Office and may be required to meet with an Academic Advisor prior to registration being processed.
- Summer Session Unclassified Students may enroll in a maximum of two courses (six semester-hours) per session. Fall/Winter Unclassified Students will need special permission from the Registrar’s Office, to enroll in more than two courses per semester (maximum of five).
- An unclassified Student may apply for admission to the Fall or Spring Semester before the published deadlines through one of the approved admission routes. If an Unclassified Student applies to a program/faculty for a specific semester (Fall/Spring), the student cannot be registered for that same semester as an Unclassified Student.
- Upon admission to a specific program, courses completed as an Unclassified Student may be counted toward the student’s program, subject to Academic Regulations and the appropriate rules of the faculty/school.
For further information on Student supports at UPEI please refer to;
- The Student Affairs staff at https://www.upei.ca/student-affairs/staff.
- The Health Centre staff at https://www.upei.ca/health-centre/staff
- Math help center 902-628-4349, mathhelp@upei.ca, www.smcs.upei.ca/help
- Computer science help center 902-628-4349, www.smcs.upei.ca/help
- Chemistry help center 902-566-0314, www.upei.ca/science/chemistry/help-centre
- Career Counseling 902-620-5088, careerservices@upei.ca , www.upei.ca/careerservices
- Food bank 902-894-2876, foodbank@upei.ca
- Student Union 902-566-0530, admin@upeisu.ca
- Library Services 902-566-0583, reference@upei.ca
- MAPUS (Mature Student Association), mapus@upei.ca
- First- Year advising 902-628-4353, apply@upei.ca
- Off-Campus Housing Coordinator 902-566-6012, offcampushousing@upei.ca
Along with general scholarships and bursaries, UPEI offers specific scholarships and bursaries to individuals with disabilities. Here is a list of those specific scholarships and bursaries: