The Access 2 Card is a product of the Easter Seals Organization. This card allows individuals with a permanent disability, such as ASD to have free admission for their required support person in over 500 facilities . Easter Seals is in collaboration with movie theaters, cultural attractions, entertainment venues, and recreation facilities across Canada. This card serves as a way to allow individuals with disabilities no financial burden of having to pay for two people’s admission. All you have to do is simply present your valid Access 2 Card at any of the participating locations and your support person will receive free admission, while you pay full price.
How to get an Access 2 Card:
In order to apply for an Access 2 Card you will need to have a permanent disability that requires you to have a support person with you for assistance. For proof you will need to supply an authorization form from a healthcare professional stating that you do indeed have a permanent disability that requires a support person. On PEI, in conjunction with health care professionals, both executive directors of the Associated of Community Living and Stars for Life can provide authorization, along with other NGO EDs. Once you have all the necessary pieces of information needed to apply, you can access the Easter Seals website and click on the Access 2 Card tab. Next you will scroll down to the area that is titled “Applying for an Access 2 Card”. You will see a box that reads “Get an Access 2 Card”; click on that and another tab will be brought up. There are three steps to the application process. Step one: Fill out the application form, Step two: Payment, and step three: submitting your application. The Access 2 Cards cost $20 for a new 3-year card or $30 for a new 5-year card. The application process is very simple and the website is extremely helpful throughout the process.
PEI locations that accept Access 2 cards can be found through this link: http://access2card.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/PE-Venues.pdf